I'm SUCH a slacker when it comes to posting pictures of events, so I'm going to do another ones of those fall update posts.
First, in September, we took off to Niagara Falls for the weekend to celebrate Bub's Gramma's 80th Birthday. She'd had her big party for her 75th, so she wanted to do something different for her 80th and choose gambling in Niagara.
It turned out to be a great weekend. We were supposed to stop at a Becca Fitzpatrick signing on the way down, but Bub was suffering from a nasty headache that day so I let him sleep and drove right through to Niagara. Well... almost. I pulled off in Milton for a pee break and Bub happened to wake-up. Headache pretty much gone, he requested that since we were in Milton we had to find "Halifx Donair"... a restaurant we had heard about on TV that apparently made donairs just like out east. So, we took a drive down Main Street and low and behold, we found it. So Bub got his donair and I got a chicken ceasar salad and we picnic'd in the car.
This picture was taken moments before the ORANGE sauce ended up in his lap and on my passenger seat.
Much of the T family was able to make it for the weekend, which included a big family dinner at the casino buffet on Saturday night. It was a blast. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pics. Here's the one and only time my camera came out that weekend.
Bub'a Aunt and Uncle, myself and SMIL walked from the hotel to the liquor store for supplies... but we got thirsty on the way and stopped for a margarita!
We had a great time with the family, and then the cousins and their spouses went out drinking and dancing Saturday night at a little dive club! Wish I would have taken some pics. We had a great time.
I also treated myself while we were in Niagara..... I really couldn't afford it, but I LOVED it and it really was a GREAT deal thanks to a 20% off sale and the Coach outlet!
We immediately moved from birthday to wedding festivities for SIL. Being part of the wedding party, along with Bub, meant I didn't capture any of my own pics... but I stole a few from FB to post here.
We're missing a bridesmaid here... but you wouldn't know it.
Bub stood up for SIL on her side so really, he should be in this pic as well.
Super uncomfortable dresses, but the colors were very pretty. The day went ok, the weather was perfect and the wedding beautiful and a lot of fun. As much as I hate to say it, it was a relief to have it over with though because it took up a huge amount of time and money that I didn't really have.
The bride and her million pound dress and train.
We definitely celebrated though... drinking and dancing the night away.
Myself and my 3 nieces gettin' our groove on at the beginning of the night.
The weekend following the wedding meant we finally got some peace and quiet.... along with some down time. So we took full advantage of it. But not long after, I woke up to this....
This was taken from my bedroom window on Oct 22nd.
It didn't last of couse, but it definitely hit home that an Ontario winter was on the way.
Preparations began for our Halloween Bash. It was a TON of fun, despite having to miss the prep and beginnig of the party due to my stats exam. Everyone had a good time, with lots of food, drinks, Rock Band (with an epic group rendition of WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE) and even some karaoke.
Here's a few pics from the night:
The food all ready to go. Bub took a pic for me since I wasn't home to see this. We even made candy apples!
Bub and BIL aka Wayne and Garth. I hate this picture because it's so unflattering for MH but it's the only one I got of the two of them.
McSteamy and Little Grey! Love It!
Myself and bestie # 2.
I'm really not wearing that bat on my head... it just looks like it.
A Fallen Angel and Snooki! Caaabs are heeeeya!
SIL and Sammy in the worlds tightest Bam Bam costume.
Junior- Hippie Love
Some of the other crazies at the party.... ya... I don't really know what to say.
All in all, a fun night... but we're not sure we'll do it again. It was a lot of work and really expensive, but a blast. We'll see.
So, we're now headed into the Christmas season! My favorite time of the year! Hopefully I'll be a little better with the camera this time around so I can document some memories for myself.
Time to start counting the "sleeps til' Santa comes"!