Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I think I'm in love

Well hello Jarrod Gorbel... I love you.  Just so you know.

When it comes to music, I like what I like. Sometimes it's some little local band, sometimes it's top 40, sometimes it's country, sometimes it's classic rock..... I just love music.  If it makes me think, dance, cry... if it incites some kind of reaction from me, I like it.  That's what it's all about.  There's nothing better to me than that song that comes along every once in a while that I just can't get enough of, and I found a new one today.  Lucky for me it's from an artist that I wasn't familiar with before now.  This is especially exciting because it opens up a whole slew of possibilities for future can'tgetenoughofthissong candidates.

Annnnd... special bonus?  Jarrod is super easy to look at in additional to his killer abilities as a musician.  I'm kind of mesmerized by him.

Do yourself a favor and check these songs out.... start w/ 10 Years Older because it's INCREDIBLE!

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