Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekly To-Do

I've had a sort of brain wave about one way to make my crazy schedule a little bit easier to handle.  Yes- I have a blackberry whose calendar and task alert list if full to the brim, yes- I have igoogle with google calendar, also bursting with stuff to do, but I need a way to track more of the mundane stuff that needs to be done.  My calendar's are full of actual events etc.... I need a to-do list.  So, the plan at least for now, it to start posting a weekly to-do list here. 

Lucky you right?  Not the most exciting thing to read about?  Well, don't worry, I'm not doing this for the benefit of anyone other than myself so feel free to skip these entries all together.

WeeklyToDo: March 29 - April 4

Monday: work, book accomodations for S&B's wedding, grocery store, burgers for dinner, call Dad, study at least 5 new chapters and review first 3 chapters for HUMA exam, read at least 30 pages of HOTM, garbage out- COMPLETE

Tuesday: work, stop at FS to pickup benefits form, pork and sidekick cheater dinner, studying remaining chapters for HUMA exam, read at least 30 pages of HOTM, cancel party plans for the 10th

Wednesday: work, mail benefits submission, class, review all notes for Thursdays exam

Thursday: work, exam, read at least 30 pages of HOTM, laundry and maybe some cleaning

Friday (holiday): Mum's for brunch, clean bathrooms, kitchen, floors, second to last online class, read as much of HOTM as possible

Saturday: last online class, dusting & vaccum, Tara's for dinner (bring dessert)

Sunday: finish HOTM, dinner @ R&C's, start ITTOB

1 comment:

Unknown said...

to-do lists are great until they themselves start to stress you out. lol