Monday, January 25, 2010

School Update

I got back an assignment we handed in at the beginning of November as preliminary research for our papers this term (for my humanities class). I only got a 75% which would have been the worst mark I’d received yet since returning to University. I had a couple of concerns about the assignment, so I made an appointment with my (tutorial) professor to discuss them with her. I didn’t really want to argue my mark so much as I wanted to make sure that I was on the right track to start my paper and to do well on it since it’s worth 30% of my mark.

She stood me up for my first appointment after I left work early, drove down and paid for parking, on the same week that I arrived to my ECON class with a completely dead laptop and no other method to take notes (ya… it was a craptastic school week). But we rescheduled for last week and I went in to speak with her. The long and the short of it was, she up’d my mark to an 82% after re-reading my assignment and gave me some really good tips. She hadn’t actually been the one to mark it to begin with as she was off for surgery and her replacement marked them. I’m so happy I took the time to go in there because a) I ended up with a better mark and b) I now have a much better idea of what she will be looking for when she marks the paper. It was good for my ego too because after she re-read it, she basically discounted the comments made by the replacement, told me NOT to follow her suggestions and instructions and said “this is definitely an A assignment, I’m upping your mark right now” and I watched her update my mark on her spreadsheet.
I’m still dreading the paper, but not as much.

So, I can still officially say that I still haven’t received anything lower than an A as of yet. Hopefully I can keep that up.

I'm facing some frustrations with my OB class (my online class) because of the infuriating professor, but I got an A in her class last term so I'm gonna work just as hard to do the same this semester.

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