Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Resolutions

So I'm back at work after a 5 day break and I'm not very happy about it. Although I was getting bored sitting at home, it was nice to be away from the bulls**t and stress for a while. Everyone else is working for 3 days and then gets another 4 off (New Years Day + a "company wide holiday" on the 2nd and then the regular weekend). However, I have to work on the second and THIRD due to the month/quarter close mandatory working days for the finance team. They tell us that the good news is, we will get 2 days off in lieu some other time... but seriously? IT'S THE HOLIDAYS! It will be USLESS for me to be here, but I'll do it anyway to save myself the drama and fight with my boss... I'm really not happy about it though.

This leads me to my next topic.....I've decided what my New Year resolutions for 2009 are (which is pretty big considering I don't usually make them):

1- Get credit cards paid off (if this means getting a second, part-time, job... that's what I'll do... I'm done with credit card debt)- ASAP, the sooner the better.

2- Lose the remainder of my excess weight (I'm thinking this is about 20- 30 pounds max, but I haven't weighed myself in a long time so I don't know)- by July 2009

3- Quit smoking- by the end of 2009

4- Get a new roof on the house- by the end of the summar/ early fall


Now I just need to convince Bub that his reolutions should be the same. The smoking, credit card and roof thing are definate MUST COMPLETE'S before we start TTC. The weight thing would just be nice so that I am the healthiest that I can be before getting pregnant. The job's- well this goes two ways. I can make my current job work, I'm just ridiculously unhappy. Bub, on the other hand, needs to have a better job before we have children because he doens't make enough to get us through my maternity leave (during which I would go down to 55% of my pay for 12 months). It would also be nice to have him making more $$ so we're not struggling to pay for daycare etc even after I go back to work.

It's going to be a tight year $$ wise. We would really like to take a vacation as well, but we'll just have to see how it goes. We may be able to pull it off in the fall when the prices are cheap. I have lots of planning and budgeting to do in the next couple of weeks. I always feel better once I have plan of action. It's reassuring to have some sort of hard copy, tangible budget/plan to follow. I'm sure this will mean picking up a part-time job for a while, but I'm willing to do it. I need to have less $$ stress before we even start thinking about babies. As it stands right now, we couldn't do it.

So... here's to 2009, getting things done.... and to starting a family!

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