Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Summer of Skinny Dipping- Amanda Howells

Goodreads/First Reads Win- June 2010

Wow.     Wow.

I cannot explain how happy I am to have won this book. This isn't something that I would have picked up on my own, but it was a perfect summer read. The story is so heartbreakingly honest and real.... I devoured it.

Never have I identified so strongly with a character. Mia's feelings, insecurities and quirks mirrored my own from my teenage years to a tee... and I know that I would have fallen for Simon if I were in her shoes too. There were moments that I literally found myself thinking "I know exactly how she feels".   I was thinking about this book long after I finished the final pages.

This is not a light read, but it's very real and Amanda Howells has a way with words that just speaks to me. She touches on a lot of tough topics that are a reality for teens as they come into there own, and she does it in a way that would hopefully convey to them that they are not alone. Everyone has struggles, no matter how perfect they seem to be, and everyone deals with life in their own way. Everyone has flaws... no one is untouchable.

I can't say much more because I don't want to spoil this story, but I will be recommending this book to everyone I know... YA fans or not.

Awesome read. I can't wait to see more from Howells.


Kennedy said...

Yay for awesome free books!

Linda said...

Sounds lovely!