Monday, April 19, 2010

Today's Post Has No Name

So I’m coming up for air from studying and working briefly, to take a few deep breaths and calm myself. In the interest of expediency I will make this a point form list of things going on.

-macroeconomics final exam (worth a measly 60% of my mark) is Wednesday night at 7pm. Ack! I’m terrified because I just can’t wrap my head around a lot of the material… I’m going to be studying my butt off for the next couple of days when I’m not at work

-I sacrificed my Saturday morning, drove all the way to school and paid $40 to take an exam prep class on Saturday morning (prep specifically for my ECON exam) and didn’t come out any further ahead. What a waste of time and money

-My house is a disaster: I didn’t get any cleaning done and the lawn needs to be cut so bad (and our fudging lawnmower is broken AGAIN) and… I just feel overwhelmed when I walk in the door. I hate a messy house, but it’s going to have to wait until Thursday when my exam is over and I have some time again

-I’ve been “reading” the same book for 2 weeks now and am only about 50 pages in. I feel guilty because it’s my April Buddy Reads book, but again- it’s one of those things I can really concentrate on when my exam is over. I’m not back at school until May 3rd after Wednesday night.

-My SIL is getting married in October and we’re in the throes of wedding/shower etc planning and it’s been…. interesting so far. I’m a little concerned about how much it’s all going to cost (since we’re both in the wedding party), but we’ll figure it out.

-If the weather is nice enough the weekend, we heading to Algonquin Park very early Saturday morning to hopefully see some wildlife, do some hiking and possibly camping overnight before the park gets really busy for the season. I’m sooooo excited. I want to spend the day hiking around here:

and wakeup the following morning here:

These aren't my images- I grabbed them through a google search.

Fingers crossed that the weather holds out!  It's still only April and that means very cold nights here in Ontario. If we don’t end up going , I’ll spend the weekend getting my house under control and working on some projects around the house that have been on my to-do list for far too long.  Oh! and reading.

-I’m still waiting for the copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson that I ordered from The Book Depository. Not that it matters, because I’m not ready for it yet anyway (see above) but I want to have it in my hands and on my bookshelf.  I'm a little impatient.

Okay- that’s it. Work to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The house will live without you cleaning it. If you really hate it and it stressed you out. Clean the kitchen counters off and pick up things off the floor. You'll feel better and it doesn't take much time :)

Sounds like a great weekend ahead of you guys.

Good luck on your exam!!!