Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Oh how I wanted to fall in love with this book. I wanted to open it and get sucked in and finish it in a sitting and want to talk about it for ages. But, I just didn't. I totally thought it would be another one of those Hex Hall-like surprises where I think "meh... I might as well see what the fuss is about" and then finishing with "oh my god, I loved this book, it was just so much fun!", but it wasn't.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone in with that level of expectation. Maybe it was just "too fantasy" for me with the souls and the glowing and the fairy paths.... I really don't know. But whatever it was, I finished this book feeling pretty blah about it (blah = very academic, critical literary analysis term).

I think what bothered me most was that it was almost as if White was trying really hard to be anti-stereotypical-paranormal-YA. I found it obvious in a lot of places. I'm all for trying to bring something fresh and new, but not when it's so obvious that you're working so hard to do it. It felt... forced, and it kind of annoyed me.

I also finished it thinking that I was glad it was all wrapped up, and then thought "huh?... I don't really understand what happened". Maybe I missed something or maybe you're supposed to be left in the dark for the sequel (and you know how I feel about series books that leave you confused... confused is NOT the same thing as cliffhanger)... but either way I was no clearer on Vivian, Reth, Lend or Evie's full stories by the time I finished. I feel like I missed a chapter that did a lot of explaining or something.

Ok- enough of the negative. What did I like? Um... LEND! What a cutie and very believable. Regardless of what he was, I easily bought into him as a teen.

I seem to be in the minority on my opinion of this book so I won't discourage others, especially fans of paranormal YA, from reading it. I know it's right up some people's alley and I think White has done a great job writing it in such a way that it's "safe" for young readers.  It just wasn't for me and I won't be continuing with the series.


Unknown said...

Sorry you didn't like this book, especially because I adored it. I'm also a big fan of the genre, so maybe that's it.

Linda said...

I keep hearing more negative opinions than positive. This book is on my tbr list but I haven't been in a hurry to read it.